

Plexhints uses Flake8 for enforcing consistent code styling. Flake8 is included in the requirements-dev.txt.

The config file for flake8 is .flake8. This is already included in the root of the repo and should not be modified.

Test with Flake8
python -m flake8


Plexhints uses Sphinx for documentation building. Sphinx is included in the requirements-dev.txt.

Plexhints follows numpydoc styling and formatting in docstrings. This will be tested when building the docs. numpydoc is included in the requirements-dev.txt.

The config file for Sphinx is docs/source/conf.py. This is already included in the root of the repo and should not be modified.

Test with Sphinx
cd docs
make html


cd docs
sphinx-build -b html source build
Lint with rstcheck
rstcheck -r .


Plexhints uses pytest for unit testing. pytest is included in the requirements-dev.txt.

No config file is required for pytest, but pytest relies on a rather specific environment. Plex Media Server must be installed as well as the following environment variables being set.

  • PLEX_PLUGIN_LOG_PATH - See Plex Plugin Logs

Additionally, the plexhints.bundle must be installed in the Plex Media Server plugins directory.

mkdir -p ./plexhints.bundle/Contents
cp -r ./Contents/. ./plexhints.bundle/Contents
mkdir -p ./plexhints.bundle/Contents
cp -r ./Contents/. ./plexhints.bundle/Contents
mkdir "plexhints.bundle"
xcopy /E /I "Contents" "plexhints.bundle\Contents"


A locally installed Plex server is required to run some of the tests. The server must be running locally so that the plugin logs can be parsed for exceptions. It is not recommended to run the tests against a production server.

A script is provided that allows you to prepare the Plex server for testing. Use the help argument to see the options.

Bootstrap the Plex server for testing
python scripts/plex_bootstraptest.py --help
Test with pytest
python -m pytest


Due to the complexity of setting up the environment for testing, it is recommended to run the tests in GitHub Actions. This will ensure that the tests are run in a clean environment and will not be affected by any local changes.