GitHub Action

A GitHub Action is provided to automate installation and preparation of a Plex Media Server in a CI/CD pipeline.

The action does the following:

  1. Installs the latest Plex Media Server for the target platform.
  2. Installs any specified plugins to the Plex Media Server.
  3. Collects the Plex Media Server authentication token.
  4. Provides useful output variables for use in subsequent steps.

Bootstrap Plex server


Name Description Default Required
accept_eula Accept Plex’s EULA. false false
additional_server_queries Space separated list of additional requests to send to the server. The type of request should be at the beginning of the endpoint, followed by a |. If no | is found the default request type of PUT will be used. The requests are sent before the library sections are created. You can use this to enable third party metadata agents, as an example. e.g. put|/system/agents/<my_movie_agent> "" false
bootstrap_timeout Timeout for each step of bootstrap, in seconds. 540 false
docker_tag Docker image to install. Only used when use_docker is true. latest false
expose_plex_data_files_for_docker When using docker, expose the Plex Media Server application data files to the remainder of your workflow at ${{ github.workspace }}/plex. false false
language Language to set inside Plex. en-US.UTF-8 false
plugin_bundles_to_install Space separated list of plugin bundles to install. Provide the relative or absolute path to the bundle. "" false
timezone Timezone to set inside Plex. UTC false
use_docker Use Docker to run Plex Media Server. This is only supported on Linux. false false
without_movies Do not create a Movies library (new agent). false false
without_movies_imdb Do not create a Movies library (IMDB agent). false false
without_movies_tmdb Do not create a Movies library (TMDB agent). false false
without_music Do not create a Music library. false false
without_photos Do not create a Photos library. false false
without_shows Do not create a TV Shows library. false false


Name Description
PLEXTOKEN The Plex Media Server authentication token.
PLEX_APP_DATA_PATH The path to the Plex Media Server application data.
PLEX_PLUGIN_LOG_PATH The path to the Plex Media Server plugin logs.
PLEX_PLUGIN_PATH The path to the Plex Media Server plugins.
PLEX_SERVER_BASEURL The base URL of the Plex Media Server.


Basic usage

- name: Bootstrap Plex server
  id: bootstrap
  uses: LizardByte/plexhints@latest

Install plugins

- name: Bootstrap Plex server
  id: bootstrap
  uses: LizardByte/plexhints@latest
    plugin_bundles_to_install: >-

Disable libraries

- name: Bootstrap Plex server
  id: bootstrap
  uses: LizardByte/plexhints@latest
    without_movies: true
    without_movies_imdb: true
    without_movies_tmdb: true
    without_shows: true
    without_music: true
    without_photos: true

Use Docker (Linux only)

- name: Bootstrap Plex server
  id: bootstrap
  uses: LizardByte/plexhints@latest
    use_docker: true

Get Outputs

- name: Another Step
    PLEXAPI_AUTH_SERVER_BASEURL: ${{ steps.bootstrap.outputs.PLEX_SERVER_BASEURL }}
    PLEXAPI_AUTH_SERVER_TOKEN: ${{ steps.bootstrap.outputs.PLEXTOKEN }}
    PLEXTOKEN: ${{ steps.bootstrap.outputs.PLEXTOKEN }}
    PLEX_APP_DATA_PATH: ${{ steps.bootstrap.outputs.PLEX_APP_DATA_PATH }}
    PLEX_PLUGIN_LOG_PATH: ${{ steps.bootstrap.outputs.PLEX_PLUGIN_LOG_PATH }}
    PLEX_PLUGIN_PATH: ${{ steps.bootstrap.outputs.PLEX_PLUGIN_PATH }}

Complete Example

For a complete example, see our CI.yml.