Source code for pyra.hardware


Functions related to the dashboard viewer.
# standard imports

# lib imports
import GPUtil
from numexpr import cpuinfo
import psutil

# local imports
from pyra import definitions
from pyra import helpers
from pyra import locales
from pyra import logger

    cpu_name =[0]['ProcessorNameString'].strip()
except KeyError:
    cpu_name = None

_ = locales.get_text()
chart_translations = dict(
        usage=_('cpu usage'),
        usage=_('gpu usage')
        usage=_('memory usage')
        usage=_('network usage')

log = logger.get_logger(__name__)

initialized = False
network_recv_last = 0
network_sent_last = 0
proc = psutil.Process()  # the main retroarcher process
proc_id =
processes = [proc]

nvidia_gpus = GPUtil.getGPUs()

    import pyamdgpuinfo  # linux only
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    pyamdgpu = False
        from pyadl import ADLManager, ADLError
    except Exception:  # cannot import `ADLError` from `pyadl.pyadl`
        amd_gpus = range(0)  # no amd gpus found
        amd_gpus = ADLManager.getInstance().getDevices()  # list of AMD gpus
    pyamdgpu = True
    amd_gpus = range(pyamdgpuinfo.detect_gpus())  # integer representing amd gpus count

dash_stats = dict(

history_length = 120

[docs] def update_cpu() -> float: """ Update dashboard stats for system CPU usage. This will append a new value to the ``dash_stats['cpu'][system']`` list. Returns ------- float The current system cpu percentage utilized. Examples -------- >>> update_cpu() """ cpu_percent = min(float(100), psutil.cpu_percent(interval=None, percpu=False)) # max of 100 if initialized: dash_stats['cpu']['system'].append(cpu_percent) return cpu_percent
[docs] def update_gpu(): """ Update dashboard stats for system GPU usage. This will create new keys for the ``dash_stats`` dictionary if required, and then append a new value to the appropriate list. AMD data is provided by `pyamdgpuinfo <>`_ on Linux, and by `pyadl <>`_ on non Linux systems. Nvidia data is provided by `GPUtil <>`_. Examples -------- >>> update_gpu() """ global nvidia_gpus nvidia_gpus = GPUtil.getGPUs() # need to get the GPUs again otherwise the load does not update gpu_types = [nvidia_gpus, amd_gpus] for gpu_type in gpu_types: # loop through gpu types for gpu in gpu_type: # loop through found gpus name = None gpu_load = None if gpu_type == nvidia_gpus: name = f'{}-{}' gpu_load = min(100, gpu.load * 100) # convert decimal to percentage, max of 100 elif gpu_type == amd_gpus: if pyamdgpu: amd_gpu = pyamdgpuinfo.get_gpu(gpu) name = f'{}-{amd_gpu.gpu_id}' gpu_load = min(100, gpu.query_load()) # max of 100 else: name = f'{gpu.adapterName.decode("utf-8")}-{gpu.adapterIndex}' # adapterName is bytes so decode it try: gpu_load = min(100, gpu.getCurrentUsage()) # max of 100 except ADLError: gpu_load = None if initialized and name: try: dash_stats['gpu'][name] except KeyError: dash_stats['gpu'][name] = [] finally: dash_stats['gpu'][name].append(gpu_load)
[docs] def update_memory(): """ Update dashboard stats for system memory usage. This will append a new value to the ``dash_stats['memory']['system']`` list. Returns ------- float The current system memory percentage utilized. Examples -------- >>> update_memory() """ memory_percent = min(100, psutil.virtual_memory().percent) # max of 100 if initialized: dash_stats['memory']['system'].append(memory_percent) return memory_percent
[docs] def update_network(): """ Update dashboard stats for system network usage. This will append a new values to the ``dash_stats['network']['received']`` and ``dash_stats['network']['sent']`` lists. Returns ------- tuple A tuple of the received and sent values as a difference since the last update. Examples -------- >>> update_network() """ global network_recv_last global network_sent_last network_stats = psutil.net_io_counters() # get the current values in mb network_received_current = network_stats.bytes_recv / 1e6 # convert bytes to mb network_sent_current = network_stats.bytes_sent / 1e6 # convert bytes to mb # compare the current values to the last values, as current values increase incrementally network_received_diff = network_received_current - network_recv_last network_sent_diff = network_sent_current - network_sent_last # rewrite the last value network_recv_last = network_received_current network_sent_last = network_sent_current if initialized: dash_stats['network']['received'].append(network_received_diff) dash_stats['network']['sent'].append(network_sent_diff) return network_received_diff, network_sent_diff
[docs] def update(): """ Update all dashboard stats. This function updates the cpu and memory usage of this python process as well as subprocesses. Following that the system functions are called to update system cpu, gpu, memory, and network usage. Finally, the keys in the ``dash_stats`` dictionary are cleaned up to only hold 120 values. This function is called once per second, therefore there are 2 minutes worth of values in the dictionary. Examples -------- >>> update() """ global initialized current_timestamp = helpers.timestamp() if initialized: dash_stats['time']['timestamp'].append(helpers.timestamp()) dash_stats['time']['relative_time'] = [] for x in dash_stats['time']['timestamp']: seconds_ago = current_timestamp - x dash_stats['time']['relative_time'].append(seconds_ago) child_processes = proc.children(recursive=False) # list all children processes for child in child_processes: if child not in processes: processes.append(child) # find the indexes to remove from the lists time_index = 0 last_tstamp = None for tstamp in dash_stats['time']['relative_time']: if tstamp <= history_length: if last_tstamp is not None: # ensures upper X axis label does not fall if tstamp < history_length < last_tstamp and time_index > 0: time_index += -1 break else: last_tstamp = tstamp time_index += 1 # remove oldest list entries for stat_type, data in dash_stats.items(): for key in data: data[key] = data[key][time_index:] # keep the first 2 minutes for p in processes: # set the name proc_name = if == proc_id else # cpu stats per process proc_cpu_percent = None try: proc_cpu_percent = min(float(100), p.cpu_percent()) # get current value, max of 100 except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass finally: if initialized: try: dash_stats['cpu'][proc_name] except KeyError: dash_stats['cpu'][proc_name] = [] finally: # append the current value to the list dash_stats['cpu'][proc_name].append(proc_cpu_percent) # memory stats per process proc_memory_percent = None try: proc_memory_percent = min(float(100), p.memory_percent(memtype='rss')) # get current value, max of 100 except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass finally: if initialized: try: dash_stats['memory'][proc_name] except KeyError: dash_stats['memory'][proc_name] = [] finally: # append the current value to the list dash_stats['memory'][proc_name].append(proc_memory_percent) update_cpu() # todo, need to investigate why this is sometimes lower than the individual process update_gpu() # todo... AMD GPUs on non Linux... integrated GPUs... GPU stats for processes update_memory() update_network() # todo... network stats for processes if not initialized: initialized = True
[docs] def chart_data() -> dict: """ Get chart data. Get the data from the ``dash_stats`` dictionary, formatted for use with ``plotly``. Returns ------- dict A single key named 'graphs' contains a list of graphs. Each graph is formatted as a dictionary and ready to use with ``plotly``. See Also -------- pyra.webapp.callback_dashboard : A callback called by javascript to get this data. Examples -------- >>> chart_data() {'graphs': [{"data": [...], "layout": ..., "config": ..., {"data": ...]} """ x = dash_stats['time']['relative_time'] graphs = dict(graphs=[]) accepted_chart_types = chart_types() # todo # currently disabled: # x_ticks = [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120] for chart in accepted_chart_types: if chart == 'network': # NOTE: Mbps = megabytes per second hover_template = _('%(numeric_value)s Mbps') % {'numeric_value': '%{y:.3f}'} else: # NOTE: the double percent symbols is rendered as one in this case hover_template = _('%(numeric_value)s %%') % {'numeric_value': '%{y:.2f}'} data = [] for key, value in dash_stats[chart].items(): y = value try: # try to get the name from the translation dictionary name = chart_translations['general'][key] except KeyError: name = key data.append( dict( # cliponaxis=False, hovertemplate=hover_template, line=dict( shape='spline', smoothing=0.8, # 0.75 is nice, but sometimes drops below the axis line width=3.5, ), mode='lines+markers' if len(x) < 30 else 'lines', name=name, textfont=dict( family='Open Sans', ), type='scatter', x=x, y=y, ) ) if data: graphs['graphs'].append( dict( data=data, # this is a list layout=dict( # autosize=True, # makes chart responsive, works better than the responsive config option font=dict( color='FFF', family='Open Sans', ), hoverlabel=dict( bgcolor='252525', ), hovermode='x unified', # show all Y values on hover legend=dict( entrywidth=0, entrywidthmode='pixels', orientation='h', ), margin=dict( b=40, # bottom l=60, # left r=20, # right t=40, # top ), meta=dict( id=f'chart-{chart}', # this must match the div id in the html template ), paper_bgcolor='#303030', plot_bgcolor='#303030', showlegend=True, title=chart_translations[chart]['usage'], uirevision=True, xaxis=dict( autorange='reversed', # smaller number, right side fixedrange=True, # disable zoom of axis layer='below traces', showspikes=False, # todo # currently disabled: # does not display how I would like # would like to show "x s ago" (localizable) on the hover label, but not in the axis # tickmode='array', # # NOTE: this exact moment in time # ticktext=[_('NOW') if value == 0 else # # NOTE: s = seconds, i.e. "5 s"... do not change "%(numeric_value)s" # _('%(numeric_value)s s') % {'numeric_value': value} for value in x_ticks], # tickvals=x_ticks ), yaxis=dict( fixedrange=True, # disable zoom of axis layer='below traces', # rangemode='tozero', # axis does not drop below 0; however the line gets cut below 0 title=dict( standoff=10, # separation between title and axis labels text=_('Mbps') if chart == 'network' else _('%'), ), ), ), config=dict( displayModeBar=False, # disable the modebar editable=False, # explicitly disable editing responsive=False, # keep False, does not work properly when True with ajax calls scrollZoom=False # explicitly disable mouse scroll zoom ) ) ) return graphs
[docs] def chart_types(): """ Get chart types. Get the type of charts supported by the system. Returns ------- list A list containing the types of charts supported. Examples -------- >>> chart_types() ['cpu', 'memory', 'network'] >>> chart_types() ['cpu', 'gpu', 'memory', 'network'] """ chart_type_list = [ 'cpu', 'memory', 'network' ] if nvidia_gpus or amd_gpus: chart_type_list.insert(1, 'gpu') return chart_type_list