
Clang Format#

Source code is tested against the .clang-format file for linting errors. The workflow file responsible for clang format testing is .github/workflows/cpp-clang-format-lint.yml.

Test clang-format locally.
find ./ -iname *.cpp -o -iname *.h -iname *.m -iname *.mm | xargs clang-format -i


Sunshine uses Sphinx for documentation building. Sphinx, along with other required documentation depencies are included in the ./docs/requirements.txt file. Python is required to build sphinx docs. Installation and setup of python will not be covered here.

The config file for Sphinx is docs/source/conf.py. This is already included in the repo and should not be modified.

Test with Sphinx
cd docs
make html


cd docs
sphinx-build -b html source build

Unit Testing#


Sunshine does not currently have any unit tests. If you would like to help us improve please get in contact with us, or make a PR with suggested changes.